Donate to

Support K9s to boost public safety and aid law enforcement. Scroll below to see how you can get involved or contact us at 936.825.9900 or


Donate to K9s

Help us provide trained K9s to law enforcement agencies, schools, and hospitals in need. Every dollar makes a difference in equipping these essential institutions with valuable K9 partners.
  • One-time Donation: Contribute any amount of your choice.
  • Monthly Giving: Set up a recurring donation and become a K9 Champion.
  • Employer Matching: Check if your company offers donation matching to double your impact.
Yes, I want to make a difference

Apply for a Grant

Do you know a public safety agency, school, or hospital that needs a K9 but doesn’t have the funding? Encourage them to apply for a K9 grant. Through our grant program, we provide fully trained K9s to agencies in need.
Apply for a Grant

Sponsor a Dog

Purchase a K9 for a public safety agency, school, or hospital in need. We can match you with an agency that has already applied for and been approved for our grant. Sponsorships start at $15,000 for a single-purpose K9 (i.e. narcotics or explosive detection only to $20,000+ for a dual-purpose (i.e. narcotics and patrol or explosives and patrol).

Here is what you will get for sponsoring a dog:
  • Name the K9
  • Watch a training session
  • Attend the K9 and handler’s graduation ceremony
  • Meet and greet with your sponsored K9 and Handler
  • Updates on your sponsored K9

Please contact us at 936.825.9900 or if you are interested in becoming a K9 sponsor.


Start a Fundraiser program

Join K9s as a fundraiser to help grant K9s to agencies in need. Whether you’re a business, charitable group, individual, or an agency on our waitlist, here’s how you can make an impact:
  • Set Up a Virtual Fundraiser: Share a personalized fundraising page with photos and a message. Incentivize big donors by offering the chance to name and meet the K9.
  • Host a Facebook Fundraiser: Raise funds through Facebook for special occasions like birthdays.
  • Organize a Special Event: Plan a fun run, golf tournament, donor salon, or creative event and donate proceeds to K9s. We can send a K9 and handler for a meet and greet.
  • Fundraiser Tips:
    • Challenge friends, employees, or nearby agencies to compete in raising funds.
    • Share why K9s are vital for community safety.
    • Use social media, videos, and naming contests to engage donors.

All donations go directly to K9s, are tax-deductible, and help provide life-saving K9s to communities.

Please contact us at 936.825.9900 or if you are interested in setting up a fundraiser.


License Plate

Go to the following link to order your K9s4COPs speciality plate for Louisiana:

The K9s4COPs plate is located under the “Organization/Service” category. Follow directions on the website to order your plate.

You can support Louisiana K9 officers while you drive and spread the word about K9s4COPs!

Hey Texans! Display your pride and support for Texas K9 Officers by purchasing K9s4COPs or the newly released K9s4KIDs specialty license plates!

Proceeds from plates sold help us purchase more K9s for public safety agencies and schools in Texas! K9s4COPs receives a portion of plate sales.

Order your plates today:
Follow the directions on the website links below to order your plate.

K9s4COPs Plate:

K9s4KIDs Plate:

You can support Texas K9 officers while you drive and spread the word about K9s4COPs & K9s4KIDs!


Planned Giving

Leave a lasting impact by including K9s4COPs in your estate plans. A charitable bequest is simple, flexible, and offers significant benefits:

  • Benefits:
    • Estate tax charitable deduction
    • Reduced tax burden on your family
    • Leave a lasting legacy to charity
  • How It Works:
    • Add K9s4COPs to your will, trust, or beneficiary designations with the help of an attorney or financial planner.
  • Ways to Give:
    • Name K9s4COPs in your will, trust, or as a life insurance beneficiary.
    • Choose from percentage, specific, or residual bequests.

IRA Required Minimum Distributions

Support K9s4COPs by donating your mandatory IRA distributions. Designate K9s4COPs as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account (IRA, 401(k), or 403(b)). Consult your financial planner to explore this impactful option.

Contact us at 936.825.9900 or

Empower Our First Responders to Make America Safer

Your donation helps fund K9 units that detect threats, protect schools, and secure communities nationwide, directly contributing to a safer future for students, healthcare workers, and law enforcement.

Yes, I want to make a difference